EnduroCo (AI based workout generator) now syncs workouts to intervals

Enduroco.in now syncs upcoming workouts to the intervals calendar.

For existing users you will have to disconnect and reconnect the intervals connection with EnduroCo as permissions have changed.

Please note only Power based (run and ride) workouts will sync right now. HR and Pace to follow.

Do me know any feedback or bugs you encounter.

Happy Training.


How do you connect to zwift and show the workouts in zwift?

Connect Enduroco to TrainingPeaks and TrainingPeaks to Zwift. Its well tested and works very well there. If you want to stay away from TrainingPeaks consider using BreakAway app by @app4g .


Only IOS?

BreakAway is only iOS yes. For Android there is always zwift or other virtual platforms

We train a lot indoors and we use zwift, it would be interesting if the WOD could be seen in zwift, I understand that you would have to pay zwift for its connection or training peaks so that intervals could be synchronised with one of these platforms.

@Luisma_Gallego_Soy_P You don’t have to pay TP. Just the free account is just fine. Workout will sync to zwift. The path is Enduroco > TrainingPeaks (Free) > Zwift

@david would be able to shed more on the Intervals > Zwift connection. There is a forum post requesting the same https://forum.intervals.icu/t/send-workout-of-the-day-to-zwift/5405

You can connect your Enduroco account to Zwift so that workouts completed in Zwift automatically sync to Enduroco and Structured workouts from Enduroco automatically sync to Zwift each day.

For this you have to connect TrainingPeaks with Zwift. To connect Zwift to TrainingPeaks login to zwift.com and make sure your account is linked on the connections page.

More information about Zwift and TrainingPeaks can be found here.

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