Download all activities in CSV format

Hi David,

This is great! I can see the API request is linked to athlete ID so this could be called elsewhere - but is there any chance you could provide an authentication endpoint with Combining the CSV export with requests to /api/activity/<activity_id>/streams and other endpoints would allow integration into tools such as GoldenCheetah.

Will do. Thats easy enough and on the list. I just need to be very careful to not look like a proxy for the Strava API (thats not allowed). Nearly everything in the CSV is calculated by so I think thats ok.

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I should note that all the times are in seconds and distances etc. are metric.

Could you add the estimated FTP for each activity in the csv file? Not only the maximum estimated FTP.

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Hi David,

Thanks for the quick response - yeah that makes a lot of sense!

I just added those fields after power_spike_threshold. These are for the power model for the ride. Note that this is looked up from the best max effort on the ride and not derived from the whole ride power curve.

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A fantastic option. Progress can be seen and this motivates me to continue training :slight_smile: Chart from the last five months.

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Thats neat though you should probably swap things around so the trend line goes up! :slight_smile:

There is now an API with the CSV download the sole endpoint (so far!).

API access to

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Hi David, great functionality. Thank you for that.
I use the CSV download as one of the rare functionalities of Garmin Connect which gives the user ability to check the data in more details - tailor made reporting. I would like to use download CSV more often, but need more core data e.g. Power, TSS, NP etc. Is there a chance to provide each user a selection of data to select for the download (tick-boxes)?
However, the first look to the data of download raised a lot of questions.

  • Moving time in seconds is fine, but should be part of a structured field naming convention
  • Max and Average speed is incorrect or with another measurement apart from kmph or mph
  • Pleae provide every single field into the selection - users will more than happy to analyze the data on their own (I would pay for it and would sell my Edge 830 to move to Wahoo ROAM)

Could you let me know, whether we can expect changes?
Thank you so much in advance. Take care, stay healthy and waxed chain right side! Cheers Ralf

The fields you are looking for are there, I can’t use the usual names as they are trademarked.

  • icu_training_load = TSS
  • icu_normalized_watts = NP

I am busy brewing a batch of beer but will publish a glossary on this thread later today.


I have added a field glossary to the post at the top of this thread. I will add a field selector soon.

That should be just about everything. If something is missing please let me know and I will add it if possible.


Is it possible to add the “Description” field into the CSV export?

Hi, would appreciate it if gear could be added to the CSV export as well. it is available through the API in individual activities but not in the entire CSV GET.

I have added gear.

I added description.

The CSV now also includes all custom activity fields.

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@david you’ve changed something.
My linked csv file used to look like this
where Column C is just me extrapolating the date from your date field, but since your update (or something else, as it only started today) its looking like this

It looks like its bringing in the comments field from Strava.

Is there a way I can tell it not to ? If its going to brake something else I might be able to find a work around.

What are you importing the CSV into? I just downloaded yours and it imported fine into Numbers and another tool on my Mac so I think the CSV is well formed.

I added gear and description columns as well as custom activity fields.

I’m using the API to import into Excel.
I’ve just disabled in Strava (I dont really use the info anyway), I’ll try during the day to force some updates and see if it doesnt fix the import.

I found the problem. Your descriptions contained carriage returns and that was breaking the Excel import. I have removed those from the CSV. It should work now. Tx for the report.

AWESOME, David you and are such legends in the sporting community.
Thank you for all your hard work.

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