Custom Training zones for power/watt without FTP but % of MMP 5m

Hi) not so long ago I decided to try the CTS program (Chris Carmichael) and other zones from other power values are used to calculate the intensity (the best avg.power from two 8 minute interval). Now you have to use absolute power values for training. Maybe for simplicity in the profile settings add the value “Custom FTP” or something similar, and when building a workout use a new reserved word, for example, cFTP, cPWR etc (customFTP, customPower etc): - 80-85% cFTP 85-95 rpm.

Then, when you re-pass the training plan and the 8 minute power changes , you will only need to change one value in the profile settings, differently you need to edit all workouts of the plan to adjust for necessary power load.

P.S. I read about MMP, you can find a suitable time interval and use it, but this parameter is variable in time and you will still have to adjust the plan in the future