CSS error: iPhone/mac

I’m getting a CSS error both on mobile and desktop.

The issue is no longer occurring.

That is an error being passed on from one of the data sources for your account. I need to clean up the message a bit.

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No worries. Just giving you a heads up. I only saw it for the first time and only for a few hours yesterday. (Far more important to me is, Graphing Wellness Data) :wink:

It’s back, but it’s a different error this time.

Polar are busy with some maintenance …

This is a reminder that the scheduled maintenance break that we informed you about earlier is approaching: we’ll be doing scheduled maintenance on the Polar Flow platform on the 8th of June starting at 06:00 UTC . We’re expecting a downtime of up to 12 hours, during which all of our online services will be down and inaccessible.

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