Comparing rides?

Morning all

When looking at the power PBs for 15s, 60s, 5m etc. you can easily compare to season and all time.

Is there a way to compare it specifically for 2 rides? For example comparing the stats for Tuesday ZRL last week and week before


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Great idea - would be very helpful.

Right now you need to use 2 browser windows. I need to think about how that might work in the UI. Its tricky.

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Thanks David

I didn’t even think about opening a separate browser to compare!

maybe it helps as reference - you can check on there this feature is implemented

Second this request, ideally a way to overlay or even a table of two (or more) different rides or intervals within rides). Or to start, just comparing on the power curve page? IE remove recent days / season / etc. and instead select a specific activity. In this screengrab the closest I’ve gotten is selecting a narrow date range (shows in pink, but hard to discern).


Comparing activities on the /power page is a good idea and might not be too hard to implement.

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