Blank pace on walks

I have some walks and runs syncing from Garmin to intervals. In the list view on activities page, the pace field is blank for all walks. Its only populated for runs.

All of them have intervals , speeds and i can see the pace for each intervals i click into the activity data. Why are they not shown in the list view?

could be cos it’s too slow?
i remember there was issues w/ speed and thus when it’s too low, then intervals will consider them as “non moving”

There’s a setting which you can toggle to “ignore velocity” (action → settings)

You need to set units for space in /settings for the sport “Other” (that’s where your walks end up). You could also add “Walk” to the “Run” sport to use your running settings.

I always had Walk added to the Run sport and load for both Run and Walk based on pace. I experiece this as the best match to RPE.

Adding Walk to the Run sport did the trick. I also had to click “Update Activities” to generate the GAP, but all looks good now. Thank you for making this app and being so active here - its very well made.