I was checking my efficiency chart today, and noticed there are some spikes in my chart. Digging into it, the average power seems very high. I noticed this to be the case when 3 or 4 activities were recorded on the specific days.
E.g. on April 5 I did record 4 activities, and in the charts my average power is calculated as 311. I recognize this is as the avg. power of the 2nd workout, but since this was less than 3 minutes, my average for the other 3 workouts seem to be ignored or calculated way too high.
I also noticed this on 17-1, where the avg. power of the 2nd workout was also taken as the average.
As a consequence, efficiency is calculated way too high and probably some other metrics are impacted. Since I am normally doing a warmup / main workout and cooldown in 3 separate activities, I would like to ask to have a look at this. In case you need some more information, always available to provide more data.
I finally had a look at this. When there are multiple activities on the same day the highest efficiency value is used. On April 5h you have a spurious 24s long ride with efficiency of 2.16 hence the spike on the chart. You should probably just delete it (click “Actions” under the chart).
The one on the 17/1 is more complicated. It is short (7m53) and lots of power hence high efficiency (1.87) but you can’t really delete it. You might have to put up with some spikes with very short high power rides.
I am going to add more filtering options to the charts that you could use to leave these out.
Thanks for the explanation. I had not noticed it for months, so more than happy to live with the explanation and move on. I occassionally play around with virtual hill climbing in Kinomaps, resulting in short but numerous workouts.
Keep up the good work, still very happy with the various options to see my progress over the past year