Athletes list gone on mobile

Since yesterday my athletes list is gone on my mobile phone. Tried on Chrome and Firefox… Tried to clean the cache… still gone.
Working fine on my desktop…

Drat. It’s working on my iPhone 8+ and iPad which will make this harder to track down. What phone are you using? Also can you please go to settings and report what it says right at the bottom of the page:

Screen Shot 2020-09-05 at 14.26.47

I am on a Samsung Galaxy S10+

Yesterday a played with tags… not sure if it is related or not.

Tried on a iPhone 11.
Not able to see athletes list as well…

iPhone 11, Safari…

Tried again…

iphone 8 now (safari as well)…

desktop working fine though…

Hmm. So far I can’t figure this one out. I downloaded your data to my laptop so I could use the app as you and it works with and without selecting athlete tags.

I have re-enabled some client side error logging so if you try again I might be able to see something.

Any luck on this one? Still not able to see my athletes list/calendar/workouts on mobile.

I had a look through the error logs but there wasn’t anything that looked like it might have anything to do with that list not coming up. I am going to add some more advanced “act as user” stuff so I can try replicate this.

Adblocker ?

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Not using it… tried different browsers on different phones… problem still persistis… desktop working fine.

Tested it on an old ipad… working fine… very odd…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Still not able to see athletes list on mobile…
Anyway to reset something in my account to fix this @david?
Used to work find before I play with tags…
Very annoying to not be able to check workouts on my phone…

I will get on this again. Must be the oldest bug on the list :frowning: I have some ideas …

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This should be fixed now, finally. The hint about tags was a good one. If you had any tags selected that were no longer on any of your athletes it was broken. Sorry about the long delay on the fix!

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Working perfectly now!

Thank you!

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