API access to Intervals.icu

Thanks David. No rush.

Delete a range of events from the athlete’s calendar

DELETE /api/v1/athlete/{id}/events/…


would be great to get a query param created_by_id added @david

I added a createdById parameter to that endpoint: Intervals.icu API docs

I have added GET /api/v1/athlete/{id}/activity-hr-curves{ext}


Thanks David. Works perfectly.



very quick one. thanks, it works as it should

@David I’m not sure why/what is happening. I record my outdoor ride on 2 Garmins (and then delete one after, keeping only 1).

The name, as an example is named the same here. (note: When I go into the activity detail, the Garmin Link and Strava Link are different for both activity so it’s 2 separate activity)

When I use the API to rename the activity:

curl -u API_KEY:XXXX -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X PUT -d ‘{“name”:“BBBB” }’ https://intervals.icu/api/v1/activity/i33936243

This Happens. Both activity got the new name.

When I use the web-interface to rename the activity, it’s OK

I’ll keep the activity there so you can have a look. Tx

Getting an exception since some hours: DNS error: https://intervals.icu/api/v1/athlete/i123456/events.csv?oldest=2012-01-28&newest=2025-02-28 @david

Main intervals.icu site is also not reachable for me (Forums is on another server is what I’ve been told)

An athlete sent me something about Google blocking Intervals. It’s working fine for me.

I haven’t been able to reach the forum the whole day. Intervals.icu was no problem.

You can read the story here. I will do a post soon.

“Google closed my cloud account without warning. I eventually found out they require verification of my identity and home address. I have submitted the docs.”

I have moved DNS already so things should start mostly working. It’s just so Google to close an account without even sending a warning email.


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Must have been a stressy day…

Intervals.icu has had just about zero downtime for ages and then this. Of all things. I am still trying to get mail sorted out.

I can’t say I noticed any difference; perhaps the timing was such that I was busy at the time.

Thanks for the update, at my end all is back to mode business as usual.

Was a strange week, at the beginning Google AppScript served many 500, and afterwards they kicked ICU.

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@david could you take a look at this? Understand the recent outage took a big bite out of you.

gonna delete the duplicate activity soon before I forget. :pray:


I’m trying to create a workout via API and I got an error

[{"status":422,"error":"Name is too long"}]

Workout name is Outdoor: Endurance with Tempo, Threshold Criss-Cross, Threshold efforts and sprints
Although on UI I can create a workout with that name without an error.

Is that by design?

Which endpoint are you calling? Creating a workout in a library folder or on a calendar?

In library plan

{"folder_id":"272551","day":12,"type":"Ride","name":"Outdoor: Endurance with Tempo, Threshold Criss-Cross, Threshold efforts and sprints","moving_time":14400,"description":"..."}

The workout name is limited to 80 chars mostly because the UI won’t handle very long names well. I have improved the error message.