Added blood glucose to wellness

Click “Fields” on the wellness dialog to enable. Enter value in mmol/L. Displayed with a little sugar cube on the calendar.


Would it be possible to have the Blood Glucose value in mg/dl instead or additional to mmol/l beacause of it’s more common especially for CGM Monitors like Supersapiens.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

It would be best to add an option to display and captured in mg/dl but keep the data in mmol/l. That is now on the todo list.


Hi David, is this feature “Continous glucose monitoring” already integrated in

You can capture blood glucose on a daily basis:

I am not sure if “Supersapiens” writes data to the fit file or not. If they do and you can send me a file I can likely integrate it.

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Here’s a plug for allowing manual input of glucometer and lactate data within sessions. I take BG & lactate data every 30 minutes on trainer rides >= 2 hours. Will eventually do the same for all types of outdoor sessions. While I can add that data to each interval via the interval labels, I’d love to see change over time, i.e. on power & HR graphs within an activity, as well as on future power, pace & compare pages.

Basically, let’s think of providing an easy to use platform for Norwegian style data and Nils van der Poel training.



With a CGM it would be great to show really all data points of a workout.

The problem with CGMs is getting the data. The companies like to keep that stuff in house. Abbott could export to a spreadsheet but it was pretty chaotic and lacked granularity.

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I need to implement add hoc data point upload via spreadsheet for this. That is on the todo list.


I can export all of my CGM data into a .csv file. In Libre View you can just click the export button.

Hi David,

Thanks for a fantastic site. There are a number of open sites for CGM/BG measurements. Very few diabetics use Abbott’s platform, and an increasing number of athletes use it for supersapiens/zoe/Abbott resellers. Most use xdrip/nightscout/a “libre patched app” as Abbott like to lock down data. It would be absolutely fantastic to be able to import data directly from xdrip/nightscout. Nightscout has a really open API - everything is available. Would be amazing to have this as a “wellness” field - average BG, as well as in activity for analysis. (Nightscout API — nightscout-test latest documentation)

Ideally - it would be possible to import Insulin data as well - but I appreciate this is very much Diabetic focused!

I echo @Rhys_Evans To address propietary system for CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) data, from pumps, and sensors the diabetic community developed nightscout and xDrip as a central repository (nightscout) and a feeder of the data (xDrip or juglucco) as single repository of glucose and treament data, from any potential vendor or glucose device. Even with proprietary systems like abbot or dexcom, there is a way to export CGM data.
@david this is something that could be implemented ala workouts, dropping a file with CGM for the workout duration. The importer will trim and select only de datapoints during the workout.
But better yet, you could set up an option to download the data from the nightscout server which requires an ‘url’ and an API secret. these two parameters could be set in the settings of
As a healthcare professional and aficionado programmer I could help to point in the direction of obtaining data from nightscout server. Please PM me privately if you are interested (see @Rhys_Evans documentation as starting point) I have used xDrip to developt datafiels to show glucose on my Amazfit watch while doing fitness activities. There are other similar approaches for apple, android. web based is well suited to communicate online to nightscout servers. but the importing file option should also be implemented as setting up a nighscout server might require some fee, depending on the hosting service

So if I understand correctly the glucose monitor uploads data to a Nightscout server and could get data for the time range of a completed activity and attach it to the activity? Or you could upload a GCM file and do the same? Is there a standard format for such files?

I do have attaching arbitrary time series data to an activity via CSV upload on the todo list. Another way to achieve this would be to make it possible for activity stream scripts to call out to other services (e.g. Nightscout).

I see there is also a Garmin Connect IQ app for Dexcom:

Presumably that writes data to the fit file which would make it very easy to view in

Correct - if you enable parsing of nightscout data a lot of use-cases for different devices will already be handled.

An example of what you could do is:

https://nightscouturl/api/v1/times/2023-08-28.json?count=1440 - get 1440 samples (1 every minute) for certain date in json
https://nightscouturl/api/v1/times/2023-08-28.csv?count=1440 - same but in csv
Those results can then be parsed for the beginning and end times of an activity, from which the ‘sgv’ field could be retrieved.

Sample json:
Sample csv:

If you want, I can give you private access to my nightscout server to test what would work and what wouldn’t.

To my understanding, Garmin Connect IQ apps run in a second instance and can not save data to the same fit file during a ride.

@david It is been a while I have been in the forum. Sorry for the late response.

I will start with the last question, regarding Garmin. Yes, Garmin exports the glucose as part of the FIT file. I have xDrip datafield installed on my garmin device. It shows my glucose on real time while doing fitness. Then after the activity I see the glucose values over time (see picture). I checked the exported FIT file and I confirm that the glucose value is there, together with other fitness data (eg. power, heart rate, etc)
This is from Garmin Connect:

From what I understand, it requires that the user set up a datafield so the glucose will be included as part of the fitness activity. It should be noted that glucose could be "seen’ in the widget but not in the activity data fields. This is probably one of the reason people do not see it recorded in the activity.
I could send you a FIT file for testing purposes.

This is now integrated in, just parses it from the fit files and then its yours to do whatever you would like to in the fitness graphs etc.

You can just add it to your activity plots as follows:

(As long as you are writing it to your FIT file using the xdrip datafield or similar in the first place)

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It works like a charm! Cool to see the effect of HR Zones and the glucose response


I just came across this topic. I am using xdrip+, but I am not writing any result to my wahoo elemnt bolt to have my blood sugar included into the fit file.
I did not really understood, how the nightscout link can be integrated into the workout activity. I can select glucose, but I do not see any chart where I could add the nightscout link.
Hope someone can show me how to do it.

Maybe an idea how to implement blood glucose data:

Proposed Solution

Objective: Integrate Nightscout glucose data with Strava activities to provide a comprehensive view of exercise performance and glucose levels.

Implementation Overview:

  1. Activity Upload:
  • When a new activity is uploaded to Strava, a trigger initiates the process of fetching the corresponding glucose data from Nightscout.
  1. Data Fetching:
  • The system extracts the time frame of the uploaded activity.
  • Using this time frame, it pulls glucose data from Nightscout for the exact duration of the activity.
  • If the glucose data is not immediately available (e.g., due to lack of a mobile connection), the system will periodically check and update the data later.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • The fetched glucose data is integrated into the Strava activity analysis.
  • Users can view their glucose levels as a line graph within the “analysis” section of their Strava activity.

Technical Note:

  • The link to fetch glucose data might look like this:


Would be great to see any update on this topic.