Activities didn’t upload from Strava

I just looked on my intervals desktop and noticed that a week of activities didn’t automatically upload and now today they did auto upload. Is there a eay to resync?

I have the same problem - last activity loaded was Nov-21

I had to make some changes to Strava sync to stay inside the Strava API rate limits. If you are not a supporter and haven’t been on the site for 28 days (was 14) then will not process new activities from Strava. You can fetch old data using the “Download old data” button in the Strava box on the /settings page.


I can only go back 3 months, is that correct?

Yes, there’s a limit for non-paying subscribers.
I’m sure the link to the discussion will be added.

Yes I had to make that premium. Strava aren’t increasing API call rate limits any more and was running out.